Are Antlers or Marrow Bones Good Chew Toys?
Absolutely not! Every week we see dogs with fractured teeth from chewing on hard objects. Sometimes there is just a chip in the crown without exposing the pulp canal but sometimes the pulp canal is open, the nerve is exposed and the tooth is bleeding. Owners are usually amazed when we show them the fractured tooth because the dog is still eating and not showing any outward sign of pain. Dogs hide their discomfort very well.
What Can Dogs Chew On?
We recommend hard rubber chew toys that you can hide treats in. Rope toys are good too. As with any chew toy, make sure to throw it away if your dog starts to tear pieces off of it. Rawhide chews are soft but when they start to fall apart, it is time to put them in the trash. Rawhide will eventually digest, but if a large piece is swallowed it can stay in the stomach and cause vomiting, or even move into the small intestine and cause an obstruction.
What If My Dog Has a Broken Tooth?
Have the tooth examined by your veterinarian. If there is pulp exposure
or if a dental radiograph (x-ray) shows there is evidence of disease
(like a root abscess) below the gumline, then extraction or root canal
are needed.
Dental radiographs can show hidden disease that is not
visible when looking in the mouth. This radiograph shows a tooth that
looked normal on the outside but both roots were fractured below the
Will Chewing Clean My Dog's Teeth?
Chewing on bones, rawhide or toys is not a substitute for regular tooth brushing. Brushing the teeth and gums removes plaque and stimulates circulation in the gums, reducing gingivitis.
Here is a video to help get you started with brushing your pet's teeth. Most dogs love to chew and it is important to have things that are appropriate to chew on, but
don't expect bones to crack the tartar away - they might just crack part of the tooth away.